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Advanced Training Course on personal safety for the Italian Firefighters of the “Technical Assistance and Support Team” (“Tast”). The School is still in the front line in contributing to the training of specialized personnel operating in missions abroad

Publication date: 22.02.2022
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The first advanced training course on personal safety is being held at the Sant'Anna School in Pisa, aimed at the special corps “Technical Assistance and Support Team” (“Tast”) of the Fire Brigade, called to provide support in the coordination and operational management of complex emergencies in foreign countries, from a logistical and technical point of view. Recently, this special “Technical Assistance and Support Team” (“Tast”) has been made available to the European Civil Protection Mechanism. The organization of this course is a proof of how essential it is to create a connection between research and training in the academic field that can meet the most varied and specific learning needs.

The course at the Sant'Anna School is directed by Andrea de Guttry, Full Professor of International Law, and has the primary objective of developing knowledge and concrete skills to contribute to the protection of personal security and risk prevention, through modules ranging from law to “hard security”, from psychology to intercultural awareness. Among the topics covered are those relating to stress management and reaction to situations that generate stress, operating procedures in hostile environments, behavior in case of terrorist threats, techniques for effective communication in foreign contexts, the legal status of personnel on missions abroad and survival in a hostile environment.

As part of the “International Training Programme for Conflict Management” (“Itpcm”), the Sant'Anna School is once again at the forefront in responding to the training needs of specialized personnel employed in missions abroad in scenarios of high / medium risk emergencies, in line with its long experience in drafting the contents and organization of “Heat” courses (“Hostile Environment Awareness Training”, aimed at civilian personnel of the European Union, engaged in missions in crisis areas) according to strict standards defined at European level.

“It is with great pleasure - underlines Andrea de Guttry - that we contribute to the training of the 'Tast' team of the Fire Brigade, a team of professionals of extreme competence and dedication in carrying out risky operations in emergency contexts. Once again, the Sant'Anna School, with the collaboration of the II Mobile Brigade of the Carabinieri, is called upon to create a high-level training course on issues related to the management of emergencies carried out in complicated international contexts: all this confirms the leadership consolidated over time by the Sant'Anna School in this sector”.